外请专家Geirola Gustavo讲座通知
??? 题 目:Asian Cultures in Latin America with emphasis on China
??? 主讲人:Geirola Gustavo
??? 时 间:6月1日(周二)下午14:00
??? 地 点:南区4号楼311学术报告厅
??? 主讲人简介:Geirola Gustavo 是美国惠蒂尔学院现代语言与文学系教授。该学院是在中美关系发展上有重要贡献的美国前总统尼克松本科时期的母校。Geirola Gustavo曾任现代语言与文学系主任,在第二语言教学以及文化、文学研究方面有深厚造诣。
??? Many disciplines (Anthropology, Sociology, Political Sciences,Global Studies, History) have focused on Asian migration to the Americas and explored the transnational economic, social, and cultural exchanges between America and China, Japan, and India. However, scholars from both sides of the Pacific seem to have serious methodological difficulties at the moment of collecting and analyzing cultural artifacts produced by artists born in the Americas who represent Asian cultures in their work. And it is even more difficult to find literature, whether narrative, poetry and theater, produced by Asian writers who were born and/or grew up in Latin America. Academic criticism has focused mainly on translation, transnational and global diaspora, and Orientalism; literary artifacts have been read as historical, social or cultural documents without appreciating their aesthetic values. In my lecture I am planning to discuss some methodological issues for future appreciation of Latin American literature concerned with China, and therefore I will provide some examples of literary texts produced in Latin America on China by Latin American Chinese and non-Chinese writers.
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???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 外国语学院 科技处
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?2010年5月24日