Introduction to Zhongyuan University of Technology

Zhongyuan University of Technology is a university focused on engineering, with a particular emphasis on electronic information and textiles and garments. It is a distinctive backbone discipline-building school of higher learning in Henan withcoordinated development of engineering, management, arts, science, literature, economics, law, and philosophy.Zhongyuan University of Technology (ZUT), formerly known as Zhengzhou Textile Institute, was founded in 1955.It was originally affiliated to the former Ministry of Textile Industry, ZUT was transferred to the administration of Henan Province in1998. It was renamed ZUT in 2000.

ZUT has 21 schools and departments, covering the disciplines of textile, fashion technology,energy & environmental engineering,mechanical & electronic engineering,electronic & information engineering,art & design, etc. There are 65 undergraduate programsand over 23000 full-time students.

There are altogether 1997 staff members in the university. Of the 1400 full-time teachers,615 hold a senior title and 611 hold doctoral degrees.Fiveteachers have been awarded as National Excellent Teachers, 1 as National Model Teacher, and 20 as Young & Middle-aged Experts with Distinguished Contributions and Special Allowance of the State Council. There are 6 academic and technical leaders in Henan Province, 12notedteachers in Henan Province, 8 excellent teachers at the provincial level, and 6 special lecturers in Henan Province.There are 17 Provincial Teaching Teams and Research Groups.

The university has two distinctive backbone discipline clusters in Henan Province, namely "Smart and Aviation Information Technology" and "New Materials and High-end Apparatus for Textile and Garment" that cover seven first-tier disciplines. It has 13 master's degree sites in the first-tier disciplines of information and communication engineering, control science and engineering, computer science and technology, cyberspace security and so on, 60 second-tire master's degree sites and 17 master's professional degree categories. It has8 first-tier disciplines and 2 second-tier disciplines. It has the first batch of industrial training center and university science and technology park in Henan Province. It was approved as construction unit of Henan Province for the awarding of doctoral degree in 2018.

It has been focusing on development of world-class undergraduate education, emphasizing the importance of increasing quality of talent training, and actively pushing talent training model reform and innovation. In May 2016, the school passed the Ministry of Education's review and evaluation of its undergraduate teaching. It has 7first-class undergraduate majors at the national level,4distinctive professional construction sites at the national level,1comprehensive reform pilot program at the national level,1practice teaching base at the national level, and2first-class undergraduate courses at the national level.4 of itsmajors have earned professional certificationforengineering education.It has been actively probing intothe talent training paradigm of "promoting learning through competition" and "promoting ability through competition" with a constant emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurial education throughout the talent training process. It earned a total of 48 international honors and 649 national prizes throughout the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", and2970 awards at the provincial level or higher.Itwas ranked 135th in the country in the 2016-2020 National University Subject Competition Rankings (undergraduate, TOP300).The employment rate keeps above 90% in recent three years.

ZUT boasts 52 national and provincial key laboratories and research centers, including the State-Local Joint Laboratory for Efficient and Precise Diamond Sawing and Cutting Techniques, Henan Province Key Laboratory of Functional Textile Materials, Henan Province Key Laboratory of Functional Salt Materials, Henan Province International Joint Laboratory onResearch and Application of Computational Intelligence, Henan Province International Joint Laboratory of Multi-mode Image Processing and Intelligent Analysis, Henan Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Textile and Garment Industry.It was approved as the first batch of intellectual property operation and management centers in Henan Province's colleges and institutions. The school has completed 2,313 scientific research projects of various types over the last decade, including 193 projects funded by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, 51 projects funded by the National Social Science Fund, 11 major national science and technology projects, national key research and development projects, and major national defense projects, and 930 projects at the ministerial level. It has won 191 scientific research awards at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, including 1 second prize in the National Technological Invention Award, 4 second prizes in the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 4 first prizes in the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and 3 first prizes in the Henan Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award; 2,675 papers have been included in the three major retrievals; 1,053 books have been published; and 1168 patents for invents are granted. For two consecutive years in 2019 and 2020, the school's scientific research grant exceeded 100 million yuan.

The school has carried out international collaboration and exchanges with 61 universities and educational institutes in 24 countries and regions. The university was one of the first in Henan to engage in Sino-foreign cooperative education programs. Since 2002, it hassignedjoint doctorate training agreements with renowned international universities such as the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and joint training agreements with renowned foreign universities such as Germany's Essen University of Economics and Applied Technology. It collaborates with renowned overseas universities such as the University of Manchester to conduct Sino-foreign cooperative education projects at the undergraduate level. Zhongyuan Institute of Technology created the Zhongyuan Petersburg Aviation Institute in collaboration with the Russian Federation's St. Petersburg State University of Astronautical Instrument Manufacturing.It has establishedan overseas branch campus of Zhongyuan Institute of Technology in Thailand's Kale University named Xuanyuan College. The "China-Ireland Joint Research Institute of Software Engineering" was founded in collaboration with Ireland's Athlone Institute of Technology. International collaboration has taken a new path of development that involves both "coming in" and "getting out."The university is the executive director of the China Association of Higher Education and the founding chairman of Henan University's first Transportation Education Union. It has been designated as a "Advanced Group for the Introduction of Foreign Intelligence in Henan Province" and a "Advanced Unit for the Introduction of Foreign Talents and Intelligence in Henan Province."

Standing at a new historical juncture, the university has proposed a "three-step" development strategy of "realizing the university's name change, obtaining doctoral authorization, and building a high-level engineering university," with the goal of transforming the university into a new research-oriented engineering universitywith advanced domestic and distinctive electronic information disciplinesby the middle of this century.