弘德讲坛——德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学Paul Lukowicz教授学术讲座
(From Ubiquitous Systems to Socially Interactive Computing)
讲 座 人:Paul Lukowicz 教授
Paul Lukowicz教授自2012年起在德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学任教,并担任德国人工智能研究中心(DFKI)嵌入式智能部门的科学主管。2006年至2011年期间,任职于帕紹大学;2004-2006年,担任奥地利医学信息、健康科学与技术大学(UMIT)计算机工程主任;1999-2004年,在苏黎世理工大学电子实验室担任高级研究员。他拥有物理学、计算机科学双硕士学位,以及计算机科学博士学位。他研究方向有关可穿戴计算领域,重点是环境感知、系统架构及其应用。
(Since 2012 Paul Lukowicz is Full Professor for Embedded Intelligence at the TU Kaiserslautern in Germany and Scientific Director heading the Embedded Intelligence Department at DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence). Between 2006 and 2011 he has been Professor (W3) at the University of Passau. Before that he held the Chair for Computer Engineering at the University of Medical Informatics, Health Science and Technology (UMIT) in Austria (2004-2006) and was a senior researcher (“Oberassistent”) at the Electronics Laboratory at ETH Zurich (1999-2004, plus part time association till 2006). Paul Lukowicz has MSc. (Dipl. Inf.) and a Ph.D. (Dr. rer nat.) in Computer Science and MSc. in Physics (Dipl. Phys.). His research is on Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing with a focus on context awareness, system architectures and a broad range of applications. A key aspect of his work is the implementation and evaluation of complex real life deployments examples of which include a crowd monitoring App that has been used but nearly 100'000 people at festivals in the Netherlands and Switzerland (resulted in a spin-off) a system for sensor based monitoring of bi-polar disorder symptoms (another spin-off) and, a wearable system for flight assistants that has been tested in flight as part of the Lufthansa flying-lab.)
科技处 纺织学院